Dr. Brian Weiss on the Patient Who Made Him Believe in Past Lives

Many Lives Many Masters

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Only Love Is Real

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Same Soul, Many Bodies

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Through Time Into Healing

By Brian Weiss

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is a method of hypnosis that allows people to explore their incarnations or memories beyond present time and speak to their higher self, for the purpose of healing.

Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, people are also experiencing Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets and even Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people also visit the Spirit Side, the Temple of Healing or find themselves in the Akashic Records.

Why People Undertake Past Life Regression Sessions?

One of the main reasons people want to do past life regression sessions is because they are keen to seek answers from their higher self, angels, guides or ascendant masters, to gain clarity in dealing with current life problems, heal their health conditions and to understand why their life today is the way it is.

Ultimately in doing so, they hope to achieve a deeper sense of inner peace and bring back more health and happiness into their life.

Many of the heavy emotions and conditions we experience, such as chronic sadness, depression, anger, low self-esteem and self-worth, loneliness, chronic illness or pain, more often than not, have their source in past lives.

Journeying through time can help you understand the root cause of these problems so that you can clear them and enjoy a more fulfilling, richer experience in your present life.

Thousands of people have experienced profound and extraordinary physical and emotional healings with past life regression therapy.

Past Life Regression Is For People Who Experience:

  • Physical ailments, dis-ease, and niggly health concerns that bother them in day to day life, in some cases they may be life threatening situations.
  • Sabotaging habits that they want to stop.
  • Emotional issues keeping them stuck in undesirable situations.
  • Important life decisions they need to make and are seeking guidance from a higher source.
  • Relationship issues with partner, family members or significant people in their lives and are keen to understand why situations are playing out as they are, and how they might help their loved ones.
  • A burning desire to know what their life purpose is, if they’re on the right path and what they could do to make their lives better.
  • Curiosity – they want to know about reality and consciousness, about the nature of the soul, immortality and how they fit in to the bigger scheme of things.
  • A desire to better understand the originating influences of their values and belief systems.
  • A deep desire to communicate with their higher self and learn how they can achieve more spiritual growth. ​

How Past life Regression Sessions Can Benefit You:

  • Release emotional traumas and blockages
  • Experience relief from physical ailments.
Want to discover if Past Life Regression is for you?
 Book your FREE Past Lives consult here
What you believe becomes your reality.

In essence, past life regression therapy can allow you to transform your life, your relationships, your emotional and psychological wellbeing, your physical health and redefine your life purpose and your destiny.

Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.

If you would like to create significant shifts and changes in your life book in for a FREE 20 minute consult, where you get to ask any question you like about past life regression sessions and determine whether this is right for you.

Warmest regards
